let it snow

Snow finally came!!!

I woke up, and it was white everywhere. I actually think snow is so pretty. Especially the really fluffy flakes that drift and dance down from the sky. It was so sunny and beautiful out.  Not too cold either.

Grey wool blazer: Gap
Scarf:  Korea
Shoes: Forever21
Bag: Vintage Coach

The only thing about snow is that I am TERRIFIED of driving in it!! I have my permit now, so I'm a newer driver. I think I'm going to have to give it a try though... 

Hope you all had an awesome possum weekend.


joy said...

Wow the snow is beautiful! And I love your outfit, especially your scarf and blazer :)

Katja said...

You have snow already? LUCKYYYY! :D


NaNa said...

Aww ur so lucky to get so much snow like that. It looks really beautiful! In Sydney there is no snow in winter, and looking at these photos is making me crave for some cold weather again (we are heading into summer here). And your outfit is so simple yet chic. Looking good!

x Anna

lovemins said...

omg im so jealous! I want it to snow so badly!! :) enjoy it!
xoxo, saskia

Anonymous said...

Snow is so beautiful! But so painfully cold sometimes haha! We had a bout of the stuff this past Winter and it was a beaut to marvel at =) Looking very lovely and chic in your outfit too ^_^


Kasia said...

Aww where are you from that you have snow already? :)
Gorgeous pictures btw!


chloƩ akari said...

Lucky that you have snow!! Its just cold here in Chicago! Following you!!
Thanks for visiting!


yay for snow! cute pictures and awesome outfit!



james said...

very cute and very cozy!!

x jamie

Veronica P. said...

so nice ! snow ! great look sweetie !

Gabriella Loconte said...

love snow! great pics cute outfit


Sidney Salim said...

Love your outfit! the pictures look beautiful too.

I'm following you, dear. I'd be flattered if you could follow me too :)

Pose Posh Post

Anonymous said...

RICK- saying MICK - Nevada tells there's ASS - UM.
And RICK who's " DA" , says it's " so".
SA - JOHN KERR, informing, MICK - NICE!
ROVE ties explosives - SCHAR 169 - HETU.

Bridg said...

cute pictures! can't believe it's not cold for you yet, Beijing hasn't had snow but it's freezing already! haha :)

B xx


cryskay said...

lovely pics w/ snow in the background! xx

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Yeah, Snow!!!:D

You look great! Totally love your bag!!:D

Stop by some time:D


Mia's Little Corner

ShinyPrettyThings said...

wowwww the snow is so beautiful!!!! i know most ppl will yell at me but i seriously wished it snowed where i live! beautiful outfit, i love your scarf! be careful driving in the snow hun! xx

missdanbee said...

really cutesy look <3


Unknown said...

Such pretty pictures!
I love your coat and bag :)

Yara SimĆ³n said...

I'm totally terrified to drive in the snow, too. I'm not a new driver, but I have only lived in a place that snows for a little while, and I've had a few bad moments.

letsbless said...

thank you for visit :)
you are so pretty! love your smile:)
fantastic outfit!!
I'm following you

The Shopping Therapy said...

Oh this is a lovely blog! I'm following you girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

hernameistrina said...

wow lovely blog and photos!! :)
just followed you x

The beautiful mind | blogspot

Ade Kurnianingrum Handika Putri said...

aww so lovely , and the snow looks so nice :D but there is no snow in here :(
anyway thanks for visiting my blog dear :) wanna follow each other ?

Kim said...

all snowey~~~ you look all cozy and warm with the outfit too xD

Nena said...

snooooowww <3 lovely header too !


keschen said...

Hi, I've just stumbled across your blog and its amazing. love the pictures and the outfit, its really beautiful!
I am a fashion blogger as well and I would really appreciate it if you could check out my blog and follow me there. I will definitely follow you back :):)


You can also find me at twitter(@RaindropsofRed) and facebook(Raindrops of Red)


danielle said...

love your scarf. your entire outfit rocks. :) i cannot believe you have snow already. BE CAREFUL driving in it. i'm from the woods so i learned at an early age how to brave it on the roads in blizzards :)

KD said...

This is such a chic outfit! I don't know how you can manage to wear those shoes though but here in AB, it is freezing and I just cant go without knee high or OTK boots!

Thanks for visiting my blog and hope you can come back again! I'm also following your blog now through Google Connect and hope you can share the love back by following me too.

Much love from AB~

Mai said...

beautiful pictures, i miss the snow!

CMPang x

Marie-Louise said...

looks great!

Kassi said...

The print on that scarf is gorgeous. I love how you have styled this outfit. Perfect for a short trek through the snow. :)


Pramudita Puspita said...

wow! the snow is so beautiful, I wish I have snow season in my country :) lovely out fit as well :)
By the way mind to visit and follow me? I'll be glad to follow you back then :)

La Chunga Tattoo said...

I love the snow! and the outfit is great:)

Johanna said...

Snow! <3 I'm waiting to get some of that in Finland, too! (wanting to go to ski...) :) I love your style, it's amazing! Wanna be blogger friends? Have a fab week! xoxo

www.Frank and Doll.com said...

Love your blazer! Please take a peek at our boutique & blog @frankanddoll.com. Thanks doll X

j. said...

you're so lucky you've got snow where you are :D
so adorable i love your blog, just followed you dearie <3
jessie x
the weekend project.

Amuna said...

Thanks so much for your lovely comment!!
Compliments for your blog :) I like it!

♥ Amuna

Eva said...

Aaaah..I'm so jelous of the snow!! Amazing look, love your scarf xoxo


MĆ³nica C. Welton said...

cutie cutie!


ellie estrada said...

Hi there, thanks a ton for stopping by theFword. Just checked out your blog and am totally inspired by your style! FOLLOWED. Keep it up! and maybe follow me as well? <3


Daisy said...

Love this outfit!

Gaby de Modacapital said...

amazing look, love your blazer! :)

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