Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Here is a fun post on how to make Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes! 

I got this idea from a random tutorial on Youtube, and decided to try it out because it looked pretty easy to make! I'm by no means a huge baker, and I would say my skills are very limited. But, these ice cream cone cupcakes look like they were super hard to make, but it is SOO EASY. And how adorable are they?! 

Step 1: Prep your cones by propping them up on a pan with aluminum foil over it. Then punch small holes for the cones to stand up. 

Step 2: Mix your white cake mix with different food coloring, and fill up the cones as shown above. 

I used separate cups for different colors. 

Step 3: Bake at 375 degrees for about 12 minutes. The mix will be golden at the top, but make sure it is done by poking a toothpick through!

Step 4: Frost it to make it look like a real ice cream, and add any other toppings! I simply added a Hershey's Kiss on top. 

Step 5: Enjoy your delicious ice cream cone cupcake with your friends and fam bam. 

Hope you all enjoyed this, and let me know if you tried making it!



Sara said...

omg this makes me SO hungry! it looks delicious!


Jessica said...

Definitely will give this a go!
-Jess xxx


Laura-xo said...

These look amazing :)

Laura xoxo

Johanna said...

Aww, they're so cute! Maybe I'll serve these on my birthday this year! :) xoxo ♥

oh, and I love, love, love your manicure there! ;)

Bernadeth said...

there's also an ice cream cupcake on my newest post, arghh wanna taste it so bad! http://missbeatrix.blogspot.com/

High4allheels said...

I have always wanted to make these! Yumm! Thanks for stopping by!
Following you now!

michellek said...

i always wanted to make these, reminds me of my childhood

Anonymous said...

This is adorable! I want to make and eat these, it looks like fun!

<3 Cambria

Enter my Shabby Apple GIVEAWAY!!!

Taylor said...

Those look so delicious!

Joandy said...

i just told myself not to have anymore ice cream cones, cause i had two in a row, but your's innovative cone cupcake make me drool, now i want ice cream and cupcakes at the same time:))

ANNIE M said...

That looks so good! I shall have to try this sometime! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to follow if you'd like :)


M.W. said...

wow that looks deish

MairaAndDiana said...

Wow looks so YUMMY!
Love the nail polish
Lets follow each other? (:

Maira & Diana


Claire said...

You are so pretty!!! What's your skincare and makeup routine? Please share :)

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